What’s It Like Living Near Elevated Trains? Share Your Photos and Videos.


Share your photos and videos to contribute to a New York Times story about living near elevated train lines in New York City.

When sharing photos and videos with us, please follow these criteria:

  • Show us the train when it’s passing and try to include footage from inside your home. Make sure your phone camera is focused on the scene outside.

  • Take a vertical video or photo.

  • Keep your phone as still as possible and hold it with both hands.

  • We would appreciate a variety of shots (photos or videos) during the day and the night. If you want to get a close-up of an object, walk closer. Zooming leads to pixelation.

  • Please send us videos that are 10 seconds or longer.

We may use what you send us in an upcoming story, but we won’t do so without getting in touch with you, hearing back from you and verifying your information. And we won’t share your contact information outside our newsroom or use it for any other purpose.