US Bishops Say Catholics Must Vote Pro-Life, Call Abortion a ‘Pre-Eminent Priority’

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The United Staes Conference of Bishops (USCCB) calls on all Catholics to “vote for candidates who will defend the life and dignity of the human person” while reminding them that abortion remains a “pre-eminent priority” as Americans prepare to head to the polls in early November.

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, the USCCB’s Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, authored the bishops’ call to “renew our commitment to work
for the legal protection of every human life, from conception to natural death,” as the Church prepares to celebrate Respect for Life Month in October.

“We must call for policies that assist women and their children in need while also continuing to help mothers in our own communities through local pregnancy help centers,” the statement read .

The bishop urged Catholics to vote for the protection of life and to pray for it.

“Most importantly, we must rededicate ourselves to fervent prayer on behalf of life,” Bishop Burbidge stressed.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade brought forth a wave of celebration and optimism about the future of the fight against abortion. However, Bishop Burbidge warned of the unfortunate side-effect that “fifty years of virtually unlimited abortion” have had on the country.

“Americans have become comfortable with some amount of abortion. This allows the abortion industry to continue to provide any amount of abortion,” the bishop explained.

Bishop Burbridge closed with a reminder to all Catholics and all people, of their responsibility to defend the weakest among us.